A small terrier sitting in a chair at the Wakefield Resthome

Our services Ratonga

As well our Residential Care, we provide some additional services. Please click the links below for more information about:

Roast beef, potatoes, greens and gravy on a plate.

Meals on Wheels is available 5 days a week (Monday - Friday) except on Public Holidays. We provide home cooked meals, made fresh each day and delivered to your door.

Meals on wheels

Our Chef sources locally grown produce from the local community as we like to support our local farmers and growers. All our meals are made from scratch where possible, so they are tasty and fresh.

We can cater to all dietary requirements.

Meals come in large or small, with or without dessert. We deliver to most areas around the Tasman district.

Day Stay

We provide a Day Stay service from 9:30 am to 4:00pm, five days a week (Monday - Friday), including public holidays.

With prior arrangement, Day Stay clients can stay on for the evening meal at 5pm. Pick-ups can then be made at any time that suits you, up to 7pm.

All Day Stay clients are welcome to join in our regular activities and van rides.

Colourful chairs and tables arranged in the Wakefield Resthome dining area.

Natural skincare

To help our residents look after their skin and feel good, we offer natural, plant-based skincare treatments.

The products are made by Margaret from plants grown in our garden, and have shown great results for past and present residents.

We are proud of the attention, support and care we give our residents to help them have their best day.
— Margaret & Hilary

On-site hairdresser

To keep our residents looking and feeling their best, we have an on-site hairdressing service.

This service is provided once a week by appointment.

A hairdresser cutting a man's hair at the Wakefield Rest home